
US Forest Service Founded

Weeks Act passed legislating authority to purchase degraded lands from willing sellers. The primary intent was to protect watershed areas to improve streams and to reforest degraded and forest fire ravaged areas

Deforestation, soil erosion, poor soil management, and severe economic conditions forced many to abandon their land in Athens and surrounding counties to the point where 1/3 of the area that is now the Wayne National Forest was tax delinquent land.

Ohio experienced 698 forest fires during the year, the most ever, with 43% burning more than 10 acres. Vinton County alone had 113 forest fires in the year. This same year the Ohio legislature approves a bill authorizing the US Government to acquire land to create a national forest in Southeastern Ohio per the Weeks Act.

The Hocking Valley Ranger Dwelling and the Hocking Valley Ranger Station at 2 & 4 Dalton Avenue, respectively, were built on what was then the outskirts of town is what is today Athens’ east side neighborhood.

US Forest Service sells the Dalton Avenue Ranger station to a private party and completes the Service’s move to it new headquarters on State Route 33 between Athens and Nelsonville.

The Wayne National Forest represents roughly 240,000 acres in Southeastern Ohio and is the state’s only national forest.